Version 2.2.

Criteria for City Apartments & Townhouses

No B&Bs or hotels. Our criteria is only for properties with a fridge and a cooktop..

The criteria are based on the United Nations’ seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are taking into account the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) Criteria, which offer guidance on international sustainability standards for the tourism industry. The criteria also takes into account the Travalyst framework for accommodation. It uses the ISO methodology PDCA cycle as a continuous loop of planning, doing, checking and acting. 

»More about how the categories and criteria are weighted

  • Section A: Maximise energy Conservation & Minimise Dependency on Fossil Fuels
  • Section B: Promote Destination & Minimise Negative Impact on the Community
  • Section C: Minimising Waste
  • Section D: Water Conservation

Note that all proofs submitted will be sent to our external auditors for validation according to ISO19011:2018.

Section A

Maximise energy Conservation & Minimise Dependency on Fossil Fuels

Criteria Indicator Verification Score SDG Target
A.1. Do you acquire Green Energy from your electricity supplier?

Can you prove that you purchase 100% renewable energy from your electricity supplier? The energy you consume is from renewable sources:

  • wind
  • hydro
  • geothermal
  • biomass
These tariffs typically involve suppliers purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) or Guarantees of Origin (GOs) to match the amount of renewable energy they generate or purchase from renewable sources to the amount of energy their customers consume.

Upload a recent electricity invoice or a Guaranteed of Origin Certificate (EU) / Renewable Energy Certificate (US).

58.3% category /
14.57% of total

A.2. Is the fridge energy efficient?

Can you demonstrate that your fridge is energy efficient?

  • EU: A/B/C label
  • USA: Energy Star
  • Elsewhere: equivalent
The appliance that consumes the most (apart from air-conditioning) is usually the fridge. A “class F” fridge will use on average 253 kWh per year, compared to a “class A” fridge which uses around 109 kWh per year.

Take a photo of the label inside the fridge so we can see the model name and number.

1.5% of category /
0.36% of total

A.3. Is there a smart indoor thermostat?

Can you prove that the property has a Smart Indoor Thermostat?

Smart thermostats:

  • set locking limits to setting the temperature at something absurdly hot or cold
  • can be operated remotely when the property is vacant.
Upload a recent invoice from the purchase of your smart thermostat or upload a screenshot of your dashboard. showing the name or address of the property

10.9% of category /
2.73% of total

A.4. Are 80% of all the bulbs LED?

Can you demonstrate that at least 80% of the bulbs in the vacation rental are LED?

  • LED bulbs have a distinctive, compact shape
  • Any bulb over 10W is not LED
  • LED lights are usually cold to the touch
Replacing energy-saving light bulbs with LED light bulbs can offer savings of up to 50% in consumption on lighting.

Take photos of the lights in all the rooms.

1.5% of category /
0.36% of total

A.5. Is the cooktop an induction cooktop?

Can you prove that the cooktop is induction?

  • induction cooktop in the kitchen
An induction cooktop conserves energy as it is 12% more efficient at heating food than a smooth-top electric cooktop or range. Induction cooktops are great for safety, don't warm up the air and are much easier to clean.
Take a photo of the cooktop showing the word "induction" or a photo of a magnet sticking to the bottom of your cookware.

0.7% of category /
0.18% of total

A.6. Are your windows high performance?

Can you demonstrate that all your windows are double or triple glazed?

  • windows have multiple panes of glass
Good glazing reduces heat gain and loss, thereby helping to minimise the use of artificial heating and cooling in a building. Up to 40% of a home’s heating energy can be lost, and up to 87% of its heat gained through windows.

Take photos of the windows opened so the glass panels are apparent.

3.6% of category /
0.91% of total

A.7. Have you installed a smart occupancy sensor?

What is this?

Can you prove that you have smart occupancy sensors installed?

  • smart occupancy sensors turning lights off
  • and/or smart occupancy sensors for turning off heating/cooling
Use of occupancy sensors for control of lighting can save up to 30% electrical energy used for lighting and combined with smart thermostats can also turn on/off the air-con and heating systems when guests are not home.
Upload a recent invoice from your smart occupancy sensor company or upload a screenshot of your dashboard showing the name of the property.

10.9% of category /
2.73% of total

A.8. Do you provide fans or no air-conditioning?

Can you demonstrate that you have fans or no air-conditioning?

  • fans distribute the cool air more evenly, minimising the need for air-conditioning
  • no air-conditioning to reduce energy consumption drastically
Central Air Conditioning (AC) uses around 3500 watts of electricity per day, an AC window unit uses between 600 and 1500 watts and a ceiling fan uses between 30 and 50 watts.

If you state that you don't have air-conditioning, we will verify this information on your example listing page.

2.2% of category /
0.55% of total

A.9. Do you make a clothesline or drying rack available?

Can you prove that you have a clothesline or drying rack to dry guests clothes

  • clothesline
  • drying rack
By encouraging guests to use a clothesline or drying rack as opposed to the dryer they will reduce their energy consumption. Electric dryers span a wide range of wattages, from about 2,000 to 6,000 watts.
Take a photo of your clothesline or drying rack.

1.3% of category /
0.33% of total

A.10. Do you offer an EV charging facility or a list of local EV charging stations?

Can you prove that you have an EV charging facility or list of local EV charging stations?

  • EV charging facility
  • List of local EV charging stations
Providing access to EV chargers can help increase the adoption of electric vehicles, which are a more energy-efficient and sustainable form of transportation.

Take a photo of your EV charging station or send us the link to the map that you give to guests of local EV charging stations.

6.6% of category /
1.64% of total

A.11. Can the sun coming through the windows be screened?

Can you demonstrate that you have sun screening in your windows?

  • Window Films
  • Window Shades
  • Awnings
  • Solar Screens
  • Exterior Shutters
  • Trees and Plants
Window screening can help to reduce the amount of heat that enters a home, which can reduce the need for air conditioning and lower energy consumption. Window screening can also help to maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, which can reduce the need for heating in the winter.
Take a photo of your living room windows screening method.

2.5% of category /
0.64% of total

Total: 11 Criteria

Average CO2e reduction potential: 6,865 kg annually

» Submit your proofs

(& 25% of total score)
1 Goal (7)

Section B

Promote Destination & Minimise Negative Impact on the Community Criteria

Criteria Indicator Verification Score SDG Target
B.1. Is the property wheelchair accessible?

Can you prove that the property is wheelchair accessible?

  • wide doorway
  • wide elevator

Take a photo of the rental door and place the meter to show the measurement (it needs to be at least 75cm or 30 inches). If there is an elevator that stops at the floor height of the rental, enter the elevator measurement (minimum width 1 meter, minimum depth 1.3 meters).

10.00% of category /
2.50% of total

B.2. Is the property clearly labelled as a short-term rental in your building?

Can you demonstrate the labelling of the short-term rental for guests and neighbours?

  • doorbell labelling
  • apartment / house door labelling
If your rental is located in a building you must label the doorbell with the name of the rental or the name of the property management company. Clear labelling can help to promote respect for the community by ensuring that neighbours are informed about short-term rentals in their building and any potential impact they may have on the community. This can help to foster a sense of community and reduce conflicts related to short-term rentals.

Take a photo of the building doorbell label or apartment door label.

10.00% of category /
2.50% of total

B.3. Are you monitoring the noise inside the vacation rental?

Can you prove that you have a noise monitoring device installed?

  • noise monitoring device

Real time noise monitoring devices prove that you are respectful of the community, that you are mindful of disturbance or nuisance to our neighbours. They prevent noise pollution, damages and neighbour complaints.

Upload a recent invoice from your noise monitoring company or a screenshot of your dashboard showing the name or address of the property being monitored.

10.00% of category /
2.50% of total

B.4. Is there a printed sustainability chart?

Can you prove that you have a sustainability chart?

Listing all the things that you do with regards to:

  • energy efficiency
  • waste reduction
  • water conservation
  • respect of the community
  • promoting the destination
By showing complete transparency on your efforts you will influence guests to make changes in their own way of living.
Take a photo of your printed sustainability chart.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

B.5. Is there a list of locally sourced food stores?

Can you demonstrate that you have a list of locally sourced food stores available?

Link to digital guidebook.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

B.6. Is there a list of local vegetarian restaurants?

Can you demonstrate that you have a list of local vegetarian restaurants available?

Link to digital guidebook.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

B.7. Is there a list of organic food restaurants?

Can you demonstrate that you have a list of organic food restaurants available?

Link to digital guidebook. 8.75% of category /
2.19% of total
B.8. Is there a list of local volunteering work? Can you demonstrate that you have a list of local volunteering work available?
  • Community improvement projects
  • Urban greening initiatives
Link to digital guidebook.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

B.9. Is there a list of local heritage sites?

Can you demonstrate that you have a list of local heritage sites available?

Link to digital guidebook.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

B.10. Is there a list of off-the-beaten-path sites?

Can you demonstrate that you have a list of off-the-beaten-path sites available?

Link to digital guidebook.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

B.11. Do you showcase local artists?

Can you demonstrate that you showcase local artists' work?

  • paintings
  • sculptures
Vacation rental homes provide a display opportunity for local artists. Include notes that the artwork is local and for sale.
Take a photo of the art and note showing that the artwork is local and how to contact the artist.

8.75% of category /
2.19% of total

Total: 11 Criteria Ranking of potential impacts on the Community: accessibility & respect of the neighbours rank higher the others.

» Submit your proofs

(& 25% of total score)
5 Goals (2,8,10,11,13)

Section C

Minimising Waste Criteria

Criteria Indicator Verification Score SDG Target
C.1. Do you provide at least four recycling bins?

Can you prove that you have at least four recycling bins available?

  • glass
  • paper
  • plastic
  • organic

Encourage your guests (and staff) to sort out waste by making available and clearly labelling four waste types bins. Provide different waste bags based on the type of recycling.

Take a photo of your recycling bins.

11.00% of category /
2.75% of total

C.2. Do you provide refillable shampoo and soap dispensers or biodegradable plastic toiletries?

Can you prove that refillable dispensers or biodegradable plastic toiletries are available?

  • refillable shampoo dispenser
  • refillable soap dispenser
  • biodegradable plastic toiletries
Research shows that up to 95% of the plastic used in a hotel bathroom ends up in landfill where they sit for hundreds of years. The easy alternative is to use refillable containers for shampoo, conditioner and soap. You can also offer individual-sized bottles made from biodegradable plant-derived bioplastics (PLA).

Take a photo of your refillable soap and shampoo dispensers in the bathrooms or upload an invoice of the biodegradable plastic toiletries you purchase.

12.00% of category /
3.00% of total

C.3. Do you have tap water filters or a list of nearby water stations?

Can you prove that you have tap water filters available or make a list of nearby water stations available?

  • tap water filter
  • filtering jug
  • water station list
Stop leaving plastic water bottles for your guests on arrival. Instead invest in a tap water filter or a filtering jug for the fridge. Water filters eliminate unpleasant tastes, odours and more than 100 substances. Alternatively list local water stations where guests can fill up their own bottles with filtered water, still or sparkling.

Take a photo of your water filtering filter or jug or link to your digital guidebook list of nearby water stations.

12.00% of category /
3.00% of total

C.4. Do you offer recycled paper products?

Can you demonstrate that the paper you offer is made from recycled paper?

  • napkins
  • paper towels
  • toilet paper
While paper products generally have a small carbon footprint, collectively they are contributing to deforestation, global warming, and an ever increasing waste problem. Choose paper products from recycled paper that is processed chlorine-free, with minimal packaging and free from dyes and fragrances.
Take a photo of your paper products or upload an invoice of the recycled paper products you purchase.

11.00% of category /
2.75% of total

C.5. Are your bed linen and/or towels eco-friendly?

Can you prove that you offer eco-friendly bed linen and/or towels?

Made from:

  • organic cotton
  • linen
  • bamboo
and processed using environmentally-friendly methods, such as low-impact dyes.

The bedding and towel industry is heavily reliant on cotton as part of its materials, and when it isn’t sourced sustainably it can wreak havoc on the environment & local communities.

Upload an invoice from the purchase or renting of your eco-friendly linen and/or towels.

14.00% of category /
3.50% of total

C.6. Do you offer sustainable shopping bags?

Can you prove that sustainable shopping bags are made available?

  • reusable shopping bags
  • trolleys
  • baskets

Offer these for your guests to go shopping with so they won’t have to use single-use plastic bags.

Take a photo of your re-usable shopping bag.

12.00% of category /
3.00% of total

C.7. Do you offer green cleaning products?

Can you prove that green cleaning products are offered?

  • dishwashing liquid
  • dishwasher tablets
  • washing powder / stripes

Offer your guests green cleaning products and use them to clean your rentals. Green cleaning products are naturally derived, non-toxic, and biodegradable, meaning they have less impact on the environment. They can help lessen both water and air pollution, and effectively fight climate change and ozone depletion.

Take a photo of the back label of a cleaning product showing its eco-label or upload an invoice of the purchase of green cleaning products. The product inside the bottle needs to be 100% biodegradable not just the container. 

14.00% of category /
3.50% of total

C.8. Do you offer shampoo and shower gel free of microplastics? Can you prove that the toilteries you offer do not contain microplastics?
  • free of microplastics shampoo
  • free of microplastics shower gel

The cosmetics industry uses microplastic ingredients to fill up products at a low cost. This is a major contributor to the plastic pollution of our oceans and is irreversible. Use the Beat the Microbead application to scan the ingredients of the toiletries you provide.

Take a photo of the ingredients of the shampoo and shower gel you provide.

14.00% of category /
3.50% of total

Total: 8 Criteria Ranking of potential impacts on the environment and human health: 1. reducing water pollution 2. reduce the need for single-use plastic items 3. the ability to recycle.

» Submit your proofs

(& 25% of total score)
2 Goals (12,14)

Section D

Water Conservation Criteria

Criteria Indicator Verification Score SDG Target
D.1. Does the washing machine have an eco-setting?

Can you prove that the washing machine has an “Eco” Setting?

  • eco-setting dial

The eco setting typically uses lower water temperatures, reduced washing and rinsing times, and less energy-intensive heating methods to clean clothes.

Take a photo of your washing machine eco-setting.

9.00% of category /
2.26% of total

D.2. Does the dishwasher have an eco-setting?

Can you prove that the dishwasher has an “Eco” Setting?

  • eco-setting dial
When compared to hand washing dishes, dishwashers can be more water-efficient, especially if they are run when full and have an eco-setting that reduces water usage.
Take a photo of your dishwasher eco-setting.

1.00% of category /
0.31% of total

D.3. Do you have a leak detection system?

Can you prove that there is a leak detection system?

  • leak detection device
A leak detection system can prevent significant water loss by identifying issues early. The EPA estimates that fixing easily corrected household leaks can save an average household approximately 37,854 litres (10,000 gallons) of water per year.

Upload an invoice from the purchase of your leak detection system or upload a screenshot of your smart leak detection system dashboard.

48.00% of category /
11.93% of total

D.4. Are the toilets water efficient?

Can you prove that the toilets are water efficient?

  • dual flush toilets
A conventional toilet uses about 13.2 litres (3.5 gallons) per flush, while a water-efficient toilet uses about 4.8 litres (1.28 gallons) per flush. Assuming an average person flushes 5 times a day, the annual water savings could be around 15,330 litres (4,046 gallons) per person.

Take a photo of the flush mechanism of the toilet.

29.00% of category /
7.22% of total

D.5. Are the showers water efficient?

Can you prove that the showers are water efficient?

  • smart showers heads
  • low-flow shower heads
  • bamboo
A standard shower head uses about 9.5 litres (2.5 gallons) of water per minute, while a low-flow shower head uses around 7.6 litres (2 gallons) per minute. If someone takes a 10-minute shower daily, the annual water savings could be around 6,935 litres (1,832 gallons) per person.

Enter the brand and model name of your shower head and take a photo. In the US we're checking for shower heads which have the WaterSense label. In the EU for those classified green and yellow in the European Water Label. 

13.00% of category /
3.27% of total

Total: 5 Criteria

Potential water saving: 79,600 litres annually

» Submit your proofs

(& 25% of total score)
1 Goal (6)
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